Monday, 27 June 2011


Hope Elletson of has made these beautiful oak frames for me and here he is, with me at Ashley Wood.   ...  I am busy hanging this exhibiton which features nearly 30 new paintings - all with beautiful handmade frames from Hope...

Saturday, 25 June 2011


Here are Muriel and Coco ....ready for the off ....  

  the ...  logic(sic!) behind me taking the cats is that I am hoping they will get to like this route and keep away from the roads...  I dont know why they follow me - our previous cats used to - its the breed - Burmese - wonderful ....

above  is the field  above our house ..... you can see Pen Hill in the background, and Solomon ... below you can see our house and the Blackmore Vale behind .... it is very beautiful 
round the corner   

 This is the top of an old air raid shelter I think ...  its a place where the girls like to stop and have a wash!  The field has been ploughed and there is corn just begining to appear.  In the background is Nip Mountain ( Melbury of course)
I know this post is rather mad - its back to painting tomorrow I promise ....!


I have been working very hard getting ready for my exhibition  - for months and now all the preparations are more or less done - I have my beautiful book ready and we start to hang pictures tomorrow ....  so here is a little diversion ....! 

This is a picture of my dog Solomon - the attentions of this lamb are really worrying him!  He is a beauty, but a bit of a lady-boy - so my sons say - they say I have ruined, and its probably true!   

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


This  is the cover of my new 80 page book ...  exquisitely designed by Johnny Bull -who incidently has a print in the RA summer exhibition - in the same room as our Tracey....  

Johnny Bull  Ideas •  Pictures |+44 (0)1722 718790 || |

I am so excited about the book - it is fab....  my work looks great and I am so greatful to Johnny ...    it is a real pleasure to work with someone and I have learnt a lot - about good design that I didnt know.  Simon Barber of Evolver said that there are two things an artist should not be allowed to do - take their own photos ( where he admitted I was the exception!) and design their own publicity... and to tell the truth - looking at the stuff I have happily done on my little mac before - I can see where it does not pass muster!  Oh well - more later!

I want to talk about 'mistakes'  ......

p.s.  here is the link to my book