Tuesday, 27 August 2013

COLOURSCAPES of RAJASTHAN.... with Phyllis Wolff

Do come with us this winter - when the skies are grey and heavy with rain.  When the harsh winds blow and its a long slog ahead til Spring! ( you get the idea?)

This is the poster for the painting trip to Rajasthan I have been busy organising with Yasin at Indus Travel.  I am very excited about it because we have managed to include nearly everything I wanted -  time spent in the fantastic National Museum "...an overview of the last 5000 years inc. artefacts from the Harrappan Civilisation, cental Asian antiquities, mesmerising collection of jewel-bright miniatures......" (tis lonely planet!) ... I will blog separately about other delights later!   I dont know how to post the pdf in a more readable way .... so am just going to put it up like this.     It just means you have to scroll to see the whole thing, but thats ok?

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

A WOLFF in the LANDSCAPE....! by Robin Capon

This is an article from the DORSET Magazine.  Beautifully written by Robin Capon, who can really write!  Thank you Robin, I feel it expresses the truth.....I unable to put this up bigger at this point - please email me for PDF.

Monday, 12 August 2013


This is a photograph of a portrait head made by my friend Tony Birks-Hay.  It is a wonderful example of where sculpture and painting meet, as I look at it I can see the planes that Tony would paint....  I think it is beautiful ....  This is 'in the clay' it is being cast in bronze at the moment.  www.tonybirks-hay.co.uk

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

COLOURSCAPES of RAJASTHAN.... come with us......

Yasin Zagar of Indus Experiences and I are just putting the final touches to our painting trip to Rajasthan ... and can't contain my excitement any longer so I am putting this up on the blog.....  

The painting above is actually of some women from Karnataka - and was made when Robert and I were on holiday in Goa .....

I dont have any pre conceived ideas about what and how I will paint and draw in India proper.   We shall go to the National Museum in Delhi as one of our first sorties - I love to draw in museums ( did some really interesting things in Cairo Museum for instance ) and it seems like a good place to start and acclimatise ones self ... and also I want to learn a little about this amazing county!   Museums are a good place to start! 

I will have to have a lesson in how to blog from my iPad .....  and mmmmmm. lots of other exciting things!  More very soon - and oh - I nearly forgot - well will have to talk about that in another post!