Thursday, 28 November 2013


….  it is taking shape its own way ……?  I have had this  particular idea bubbling away in my head for about 8 or 9 years - ever since Robert and I bought Hawkcombe Cottage. 

               LARGE MAP - acrylic on paper 1.5 x 1.25  ?nearly finished state. 

 I have long wanted to describe the Journey from our old house in Frenchmill Lane to  what was a building site and is now our home.   

SQUARE MAP 50 X 60 mixed media/paper

All of us are on a journey of course and the external can be a symbol for  the internal. So in a literal and metaphorical sense this idea has long been with me!

The actual catalyst was the practical  need to be able to identify the field where a cow or sheep was needing attention came to a head and I began with doing a map for Compton Abbas and Twyford Villages with the field names - I am gathering  contributions from various people who know the local landscape well - I have already a sense that the names of the fields change over the years.   

I will be taking the maps to the Village Hall on the morning of  Saturday December 7 to show people and to gather more names.

Monday, 4 November 2013


I have had a really satisfying day - the first volume of Hanon's exercises completed + my scales - no pieces today!  …. then the rest of the day in the studio- no emails ( many will be relieved !) or other office work - a lovely late afternoon walk and back into the studio to finish off - and stretch another canvas for tomorrow…..   when James Thrift, the Dorset MacMan visits to sort out the inevitable Mac problems ……  it aint a bad life!

RED MELBURY unfinished   65 x 90  with thanks to Bill Mills
I am really pleased and excited with this painting - it isn't there yet - 'but its getting there' ( Robert says that's Dylan and its It aint dark yet …….)  if only I can loosen up …….????

  Red Beeches oil/canvas  75 x 90 cm  This painting has been hanging around in the studio unresolved for a long time - I think today I finally managed to borrow something from the previous one and finish it …. yup - its done …..! Of course the solo show in Dorchester has been on my mind for months - now it is only 12 months away - a huge space and I don't want any 'fillers' I want all important paintings - is that unrealistic I wonder?

Beeches on the Downs II  60 x 70 cm a little painting - I just like it!